Belarusians Massively Risking To Get Into Pension ‘Trap’
- 6.03.2025, 15:12
The Social Security Fund has informed about the situation with the arrears of contributions.
The arrears of organisations and individual entrepreneurs on insurance contributions to the Social Security Fund (SSF) amounted to Br5.1 million as of January 1 this year. For comparison: a year earlier it was at the level of Br5.6 million, and at the beginning of 2023 - Br4.5 million, writes ‘Zerkalo’.
‘The trend to reduce the debt of existing business entities on mandatory payments to the Fund's budget has been preserved,’ reports the SSF. ‘Starting from July 2021, the bodies of the fund of social protection are also actively working to identify the facts of paying wages in envelopes’.
Threats to the Employees of the Employer's Debt to the Federal Social Security Fund
If organisations and sole traders do not repay overdue debts to the Federal Social Security Fund, employees may suffer first and foremost. The labour record is counted when paying compulsory insurance contributions to the budget of the fund.
At the beginning of 2020, 43.8 thousand employees fell into the ‘pension trap’. As a result of non-payment of contributions to the budget of the Federal Social Security Fund, they have no insurance record for the periods of time actually worked by them. We are talking about organisations that work in normal conditions, those that are being liquidated under the general civil procedure and those that are declared bankrupt.
In this case, because of declaring organisations bankrupt, at least 47 thousand workers have already lost part of the length of service for pension, stated the justification to the bill on contributions to the Federal Social Security Fund, the Ministry of Labour reported earlier.